Saturday, July 11, 2009

Firing Uganda's MPs?

I promise my posts will get more generally interesting, but I first want to set up what I am doing in Uganda and give you some cool info about what I am up to. I am currently working on the 3rd year scorecard. AFLI has already produced 2 scorecards for the first two years of Uganda’s 8th parliament. The coolest part of the job so far is that we actually put together a list, based on our data, of MPs who should be removed from office (or at least referred to the disciplinary committee). There is a law that basically says that if a member of parliament misses 15 or more consecutive Plenary (full) Sittings of Parliament, then he/she should be referred to the disciplinary committee and if the allegations turn out to be true, then he/she should be removed from office. We found about 60 MPs (out of 320) that missed at least 15 consecutive meetings. Pretty crazy hey!

We are worried about releasing this information because we don’t have data on excused absence (which could make a huge difference because if an absence is excused then it won’t count toward out 15 consecutive misses, and that information could possibly remove some people from our “hit list” if you will) and we don’t want Parliament to think we are on a witch hunt (because that could prevent us from getting any more data and would stop the project).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adew!! Glad to see you started a new blog. But what does "Mayibuye" mean? We love and miss you!
